Tuesday, July 30, 2013

शैतान का सन्यास

शैतान का सन्यास

एक बार शैतान का मन अपने काम से ऊबा तो उसने सन्यास लेने की ठानी. अपनी सारी संपत्ति और सवारियाँ उसने बेचनी शुरू कर दी. बाजार के दिन झुण्ड के झुण्ड लोग आए और उन्हें खरीदने लगे.

नशेबाजी, चुगली, ईर्ष्या, बेईमानी, कुढ़न, शौकीनी, ऐय्याशी, जल्दबाजी, बदहवासी जैसी चीजें लोगों को खूब पसंद आई और उन्होंने मनमाने दाम देकर इन्हें खरीदा. जो न खरीद सके, वे हाथ मलते रह गए.

देखते-देखते शैतान का सारा असबाब बिक गया. अब उसके पास एक ही चीज बची, जिसे वह बेचना न चाहता था. खरीददारों में से एक ने कहा, “जब आप सब कुछ छोड़ रहे हैं तो इस एक चीज से इतनी ममता क्यों ? इसे भी बेचकर निश्चिन्त हो जाइए न !”

शैतान ने कहा, “यह मेरी सबसे प्रिय, कीमती और कारामाती चीज है. जो कुछ मैंने बेचा, वह इसके जरिए मैं फिर मैं फिर हासिल कर सकता हूँ. सन्यास में भी मन न लगा तो इसी के सहारे अपना कारोबार फिर शुरू कर दूँगा. इसे बेच दूँगा तो मेरा अस्तित्व हीं खतरे में पड़ जाएगा.”

उत्सुक लोगों ने शैतान से पूछा, “कृपया इस वस्तु का नाम तो बता दीजिए.” उसने गर्व से कहा, “यह है आलस्य. आलस्य के रहते वह सब मिलता हीं रहेगा, जो मैं चाहता हूँ.”

यदि मनुष्य में आलस्य है, तो उसमें बाकी सारे दुर्गुण अपने आप हीं आ जाते हैं.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"हे भगवान! आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद,

एक बार एक लड़का अपने स्कूल की फीस
भरने के लिए एक दरवाजे से दूसरे दरवाजे
तक कुछ सामान बेचा करता था,
एक दिन उसका कोई सामान नहीं बिका और उसे
बड़े जोर से भूख भी लग रही थी.

उसने तय किया कि अब वह जिस भी दरवाजे पर
जायेगा, उससे खाना मांग लेगा.

दरवाजा खटखटाते ही एक लड़की ने दरवाजा खोला, जिसे
देखकर वह घबरा गया और बजाय खाने के उसने
पानी का एक गिलास पानी माँगा.

लड़की ने भांप लिया था कि वह भूखा है,
इसलिए वह एक बड़ा गिलास दूध का लेआई.

लड़के ने धीरे-धीरे दूध पी लिया."कितने पैसे दूं?" लड़के ने पूछा.

"पैसे किस बात के?"

लड़की ने जवाव में कहा."माँ ने मुझे सिखाया है
कि जब भी किसी पर दया करो तो उसके पैसे नहीं लेने
"तो फिर मैं आपको दिल से धन्यबाद देता हूँ."जैसे ही उस लड़के ने वह
घर छोड़ा, उसे न केवल शारीरिक तौर पर
शक्ति मिल चुकी थी बल्कि उसका भगवान् और आदमीपर
भरोसा और भी बढ़ गया था.

सालों बाद वह लड़की गंभीर रूप से बीमार पड़ गयी.

लोकल डॉक्टर ने उसे शहर के बड़े अस्पताल में इलाज के लिए
भेज दिया.

विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर होवार्ड केल्ली को मरीज देखने के लिए
बुलाया गया.

जैसे ही उसने लड़की के कस्वे का नाम सुना,
उसकी आँखों मेंचमक आ गयी.

वह एकदम सीट से उठा और उस लड़की के
कमरे में गया. उसने उस लड़की को देखा,

एकदम पहचान लिया और तय कर लिया कि वह
उसकी जानबचाने के लिए जमीन-आसमान एक कर देगा.

उसकी मेहनत और लग्न रंग लायी और उस
लड़की कि जान बच गयी.

डॉक्टर ने अस्पताल के ऑफिस मेंजा कर उस लड़कीके इलाज
का बिल लिया. उस बिल के कौने में एक नोट लिखा और उसे उस लड़की के पास भिजवा दिया.

लड़की बिल का लिफाफा देखकर घबरा गयी,
उसे मालूम था कि वह बीमारी से तो वह बच
गयी है लेकिन बिल कि रकम जरूर उसकी जान ले लेगी.

फिर भी उसने धीरे से बिल खोला, रकम को देखा और फिर
अचानक उसकी नज़र बिल के कौने में पेन
से लिखे नोट पर गयी, जहाँ लिखा था,

"एक गिलास दूध द्वारा इस बिल का भुगतान
किया जा चुका है"नीचे डॉक्टर होवार्ड
केल्ली के हस्ताक्षर थे.

ख़ुशी और अचम्भे से उस लड़की के गालों पर आंसू अपक पड़े उसने
ऊपर कि और दोनों हाथ उठा कर कहा,

"हे भगवान! आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद,
आपका प्यार इंसानों के दिलों और हाथों द्वारा न जाने कहाँ-कहाँ फैलचुका है."

अब आपको दो में से एक चुनाव करना है.
या तो आप इसे शेयर करके इस सन्देश
को हर जगह पहुंचाएं या इसे स्वयं तक
ही सीमित रखें...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


- भिन्डी में विटामिन ए, बी, सी बहुत ही प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है .इसमे प्रोटीन और खनिज लवणों का एक अच्छा स्रोत है .
- भिन्डी गैस्टिक , अल्सर के लिए प्रभावी दवा हैं . 
- मृदुकारी भिन्डी संवेदनशील बड़ी आंत की सतह की रक्षा करती हैं .जिससे ऐठन रुक जाती हैं .इसके सेवन से आंत में जलन नहीं होती हैं . 
- भिन्डी के लस के नियमित सेवन से गले , पेट .मलाशय और मूत्रमार्ग में जलन नहीं होती हैं . 
- भिन्डी का काढ़ा पीने से सुजाक, मूत्रकृच्छ, और ल्यूकोरिया में फायदा होता हैं .
- बीजरहित ताजा दो भिन्डी प्रतिदिन खाने से श्वेतप्रदर, नंपुसकता, धातु गिरना रोकने में सहायक हैं .
- इसमें मौजूद विटामिन बी , गर्भ को बढ़ने में मदद करता है और जन्मजात विकृतियों को रोकता है.
- मधुमेह में इसके रेशे ब्लड शुगर को नियंत्रित रखते है.
- इसका विटामिन सी श्वास रोगों से बचाता है.
- इसके सेवन से त्वचा अच्छी दिखती है. भिन्डी को उबाल कर , मसल कर इसे त्वचा पर थोड़ी देर लगा कर रखे. धोने के बाद आप पायेंगे की त्वचा बहुत मुलायम और ताजगी भरी लग रही है.
- इसका सेवन कालोन कैंसर से बचाता है. इसका विटामिन ए म्यूकस मेम्ब्रेन बनाने में मदद करता है , जिससे पाचन क्रिया बेहतर होती है.
- इसके नियमित सेवन से किडनी की सेहत में सुधार होता है.
- मोटापे को दूर करता है. कई बार शरीर में विटामिन्स की कमी से ज़्यादा खाने का मन करता है. इसलिए भिन्डी में मौजूद विटामिन्स उसकी कमी को दूर कर अनावश्यक भूक को मिटाते है.
- इसका विटामिन के हड्डियों को मज़बूत बनाता है. यह रक्त की कमी को भी दूर करता है.
- कोलेस्ट्रोल को कम करती है.
- इसके विटामिन्स आँखों , बाल और इम्यून सिस्टम को बेहतर बनाते है.
- यह गर्मी से बचाती है.
- भरवा भिन्डी , मसाला भिन्डी , सूखी फ्राय भिन्डी , भिन्डी करी , आलू भिन्डी , आपको कैसी भिन्डी पसंद है ?


Monday, July 1, 2013

a gist of the principles which can help better patient doctor relationship.

Following are a gist of the principles which can help better patient doctor relationship.

1. In a consumer industry, consumer is always given the top importance and in health industry, therefore, the patient should be given the top importance.
2. Follow the principle. “Patient is always right”. He may or may not like arguments and can walk away if not satisfied.
3. The famous marketing law also applies to patient-doctor relationship. A satisfied patient (customer) will talk about you to 10 more people but an unsatisfied patient will talk to 100 people against you.
4. Patients like customers can be equated to sheep. They blindly follow each other. Generally, all sheep follow a particular one & so does the patients.
5. Patients like customers require very little to get satisfied. In one of our survey 90% of patients were satisfied when waiting for their turn when the doctor came & said “that I will be with you in a minute”.
6. As a part of medical training always do self role-play studies. Imagine yourself as a patient and imagine what wouldyou expect from a doctor. Give the same to your patients. Always put yourself in the patient’s shoe and then take actions. This is what Bharat in Ramayana did with Ram’s shoes.
7. Patient like a customer is the profit. Rest everything is overhead. Without patients no establishment has any value. He is your asset.
8. Believe in excellence: Eliminate all those in the establishment who are not related to or are not going to help the patients. The purpose of medical practice should be to create more patients. No patients no business. Carpets, chrome and chandeliers do not impress patients. They want good service. In one of our survey sixty percent of the people put their faith in the capabilities of their doctor and not on their dress code.
9. Patients do not want to be over charged: They don’t want to be over charged both in terms of money and time.
10. Patients want your 100% all the time. They are not bothered whether you are tired, not slept the previous night or have been busy the whole day. If you are attending they want your 100%.
11. Do not loose old patients: Remember, getting a new patient may cost you six times more than to serve the existing one. Always make sure that your existing patients are satisfied. The easiest way to get new patients is to look after your existing patients well.
12. Always meet your patients personally, greet them shake hands with them and try to call them by name. The law is ”If I don’t go I don’t get”.
13. Communicate continuously with your patients. This can be through phone, email, letters, post cards, your personal newsletters and updating their knowledge with updates and warnings.
14. In a medical establishment always insist that each of your healthcare providers visits the patient.
15. Always talk to a patient in a language they can understand and never talk in front of them with a colleague in a language, which they cannot understand.
16. Always look after your regular patients with special care. Give your patients the best service. Always anticipate their problems and provide them early solutions.
17. Patients like to have answers for their queries. Always get the facts from them. Analyze the facts and arrive at a decision. Never forget to listen, listen & listen to your patients.
18. Remember, success in life as a journey and not a destination. Be consistent in your behavior and efforts in long run you will be the winner. Always improve your CGR (character, goodwill and reputation).
19. A good doctor always follows ABC in sequence. Where A stands for Availability, B for Behavior and C for Competence. Without availability competence has no value.
20. While talking a decision remember, 3H. Head, Heart & Hand. Always think from your Head, then listen from the Heart (take a conscious decision), and then take an action (Hand). For example you are facing a problem. The head will give you 6 options but the heart will choose only one.
21. In an establishment always fight for your patients.
22. It is a good idea checking about the attitude of your health care providers on a regular basis from the patients.
23. Prompt action: Always solve the small problems of your patient now. Never wait for the problems to become urgent.
24. A dissatisfied patient is the best teacher. Listen to him He or she may have a solution or a suggestion. Most people who complain are educated and have an answer to the question they are raising.
25. Never have a meeting with dis-satisfied patients together. It may be detrimental to your interest.
26. Do not promise anything, which you cannot give. Learn when to say “No”.
27. Learn patience: When listening to patients try not to interpret them. Be sympathetic to them. Listen patiently, do not confront and always find a solution or give them alternative suggestions. While finding a solution, seek & discuss alternatives.
28. Always help patients in analyzing a problem and solving it.
29. Always compare yourself with yourself and not with other doctors. Remember GOD never made junks. Have confidence in yourself.
30. Instead of making people change, change yourself.
31. Do small things greatly. And do different things differently.
32. Instead of firing your employee put fire in him and motivate him.
33. Always build good thoughts. Always be positive. Remember, mistakes can always be better teachers. Treat every adversity as an opportunity to improve further.
34. Stress is the body reaction to the interpretation of a situation. Change the situation, change your interpretation or prepare your body to withstand the stress.
35. Stress is absence of ideas. Devote time to yourself and have a flow of ideas.
36. The age of your patient is not number of years lived but 100-number of years lived. He has come to you for the future and not for what he ahs lived already. Always be positive in life.
37. Always look at the positive aspects in life. Be happy that the glass is still half full and not worry that it has become half empty.
38. You may be correct in your argument but the other may not be wrong from his or her perceptive. 6 or 9 depends from which direction you are looking at.
39. Do not get angry with errant patients. Find out their end of story too. Remember, the system may be wrong in your training.
40. Never get angry with your employees. If a worker was as good as you he would not have been your worker.
41. Eustress is positive stress. It’s required for life. Always accept challenges. Distress is negative stress. It’s harmful. Learn to manage it.
42. Do not believe in KFP but in BFP. KFP is kee pharak penda hae (what difference it makes) and BFP is bada pharak penda ha (it makes a lot of difference). The “chalta hae” attitude is not good for any establishment.
43. Remember, Parkinson’s Law. “the more people you have, less will be the output”. Do not believe in making committees or appointing new people under the existing ones. Have a horizontal chain with many people reporting to the same head.
44. You are a role model to the society and your employees. Do not do any thing in public, which you asking them not to do. Do not smoke or drink in front of your patients.
45. Always train your juniors. Learn to spend 6 hours in sharpening an axe and 1 hour in cutting it. So that next time you save 6 hours.
46. Be a uniter and not a divider. Do not believe in the divide and rule politics. Remember you can only build house on rocks and not sands.
47. What do you want to become? An ape or a monkey? Be an ape and not a monkey. Monkey represents wandering mind and ape the intellect.
48. Washbasin vs. vacuum: The washbasin cleans the dirt while a vacuum sucks the dirt. The approach in life should be the washbasin one.
49. Understand the word NURSE: you are basically nursing a patient. Nobility, Understanding, Responsibility, Simple and Efficiency. A nurse is a noble, understanding, responsible, simple and efficient health care provider. 
50. SERVICE, remember the word SERVE: Service, Excellent, Respect, Value and Enthusiasm. Provide excellent service full of value and respect in an atmosphere of enthusiasm.

51. A matchstick has a head but no intelligence. Always think. Take a conscious decision. Do not just be a follower.
52. When ever you are making a statement ask your self: is it the truth, is it necessary and is it kind. If any one of the answer is no do not speak.
53. When ever you are going to take a action ask your self, Is it true, is it necessary, will it bring happiness to me and to others? If the answer is no to any one do not attempt.
54. Always believe in non-violent communication. The principles are observation, feelings, need and request.
55. When narrating or conversing always use “quote unquote”. Always give the actual observations and not your interpretations.
56. Give your feelings and not the analysis. Instead of saying he hurt me say I got hurt.
57. Put a board “thanks for not smoking ” instead of“ any smoking”.
58. In your office write a sign board “ my answer is yes, now tell me your problem”
59. Satisfy your needs and not what you want.
60. You get what you deserve and not what you want. Be contended.
61. Always request and not order. Even a safai karamchari has self-esteem.
62. Creativity is diversity. The cycles involve intended intention, information gathering, information reshuffling, break (incubation period), insight, inspiration and implementation.
63. Smile it costs nothing. Always greet with a smile. A smiling photo in the clinic always helps.
64. Never criticize others in their absence: have the courage to speak in their presence. Your criticism will reach them in no minutes.
65. Do not believe in gossip. Tell a sentence and ask the person to pass it on till it comes back to you. And see how much it has been distorted. Gossip is something talked about a third person in his or her absence and not based on truth or without a reference.
66. Dirty linen or a dirty fish. Take it out. Do not keep people who create nuisance in the organization.
67. Do not believe new comers at first instance. Think before making a deal. Do not get attracted with new proposals. They may not get finalized.
68. Do not make patient as friends. Always keep a distance. When visiting their house do not sit with them and have a dinner on the dining table.
69. Always have a female attendant when examining a female patient.
70. Respect patient privacy. Do not talk about the illness to others without patients consent.
71. Never resist second opinion. The patient has the right for the same
72. Never deny case records to the patient. Every patient has a right to receive them legally within 72 hours.
73. Never ignore an emergency. You cannot refuse to see or attend an emergency. Weather you get your fees or not. It can have criminal implications.
74. Never give telephonic or email consult: You are legally bound as if it was a regular consult.
75. If prescribing a medicine on phone pronounce the alphabets. Remember two drugs may sound similar.
76. Write legibly. Write drugs in bold letters so that there are no mistakes.
77. Never write 4U insulin. In one instance he received 40 units. Always write units and not U.
78. Never write .25 mg always write as 0.25 mg. Other wise there are chances the patient may take 25 mg in the first instance.
79. Never write a prescription “paracetamol 8-2-8” instead write “paracetamol 8am 2pm 8pm”. There are chances the person may take 8 tab in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 8 at night.
80. Give the option of generic named drugs from a standard company to the patient. They may be cheaper.
81. When writing a prescription write the most important drugs on the top and not otherwise. This is how the patient is used to.
82. Write clearly when you want the patient to take the medicines. Otherwise his assumption will be not to take empty stomach.
83. Explain the patient about the charges. They think hospital as a hotel not realizing that all charges vary according to the category chosen in a hospital.
84. Never argue with you seniors in others presence. You may win arguments but loose relationships.
85. Never criticize your colleagues in front of the patient. Even if they have made a mistake.
86. Negligence is not error of judgment but inability to provide average degree of care.
87. Remember the magnitude of care may vary but the standards of care should be the same.
88. Do not call your colleague as a trainee, student or a junior. The patient may not understand that language.
89. You have a right to refuse a patient provide it was not an emergency.
90. You have a right to choose your fees.
91. The business laws are: Profit, policy, happiness. Your policies should be such they not only ends in savings but also provides happiness to you, your patients and your employees.
92. Even to your relations give consults in your chamber. You will have a better respect.
93. Do not give walking consults in parties. Insist them to come to your chamber.
94. Always update your knowledge. The patient is well read today.
95. Never shy of saying, “ let me read about the subject”. Even judges do the same.
96. Always ask the patient about other doctors he or she is seeing. There are chances he or she may be taking drugs from dentist, ortho or gynae doctor already for different ailments.
97. Always ask for the old records. No one will excuse you of missing drug reactions mentioned in the old records.
98. Never hurt the religious sentiments of patients. Respect all aspects of their emotions.
99. Remember the Vedantic phrase:
Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your action.
Watch your action, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
100. Sow an action and reap a habit.


M K Gupta
Jt. Secy. and media Adviser, Dwarka Forum 
Free Lance Journalist
Delhi govt. has introduced time bound services for the and for not giving the service according to the days fixed for the services, applicant will get a compensation of Rs. 10/- per day of delay which can be up to Rs. 5000/-. These service include issue of birth and death certificate, driving licences. List of documents required for availing these services has been displayed in the respective offices. This was informed by Mrs. Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister. She said that the procedure for taking the same is very simple that the applicant should obtain e-registration number for his application. The status of the application can be tracked on internet. We have resolved 54 lakhs complaints recently.

For the development work, an RWA can get Rs. one lakh per year from the Dy. Commissioner for many work like benches in park, gates in the colony etc. In future, the limit of one lakh can be increased. A fund of Rs. 5-crore is also with the Dy. Commissioner which can be spent by the MLA for small work in the colonies on the suggestions of the residents.

Chief Minister appealed the participants to give suggestions and feed- backs and expected the participants to raise their grievances without any reservation. The officials from the Water and Electric departments are present here to replies to your grievances. 

On this occasion, CEO of Delhi Jal Board informed that in the past, there have been some mistakes in the water bills and therefore they have waived surcharge for late payment and has given a rebate of 30% also to about 2,45,000 consumers.

How to Develop Motivation and Confidence in your Child.

It is important that motivation and confidence are installed in your child because they are the basis of their self esteem. Children need to be motivated and supported by their parents so that when they grow up, they are able to make the right decisions. It's hard to teach your children things like motivation and confidence, however, you can teach your child how to be self motivated and confident. Self motivated and confident children grow up to be self motivated confident adults.

Coming down to the level of our children and making their opinion count: Assuming the same level/status with your children makes it possible for parents to see things from the perspective of the child/children and when this is done well, the child will have every reason on earth to be motivated. A perfect way of coming down to the level of your children is to make their opinion count in virtually every thing (you may subtly discard their opinion later).

Other ways of coming down to the level of your children are:
Description: http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=dwarkaparichay-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1576752380
sharing food with them,
sharing the same bed with them at night,
participating in some of their "stupid" games,
pretending you understand their language
(especially when they are still learning to talk)

Talk and listen. This lets them explore and revisit their ideas, and develop self-awareness. Conversations also involve complex and varied interaction skills, thought processing and language structures.

Making Love the motive of our action towards our children: Bring them up with love, care and support. Another thing mention here is that a little gift now and then (not every time so that it does not become an unhealthy culture) helps to show the child that you care and you never can tell how far this will take the child as far as motivation is concerned.

Create a print-rich environment. Have books and reading and writing material within reach. Also other print material- calendars, notices, brochures.
Read to them. Start with turning pages, talking about pictures and going on to reading the story and talking about it. Model reading for pleasure and information.
Description: http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=dwarkaparichay-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B000CA760UDescription: http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=dwarkaparichay-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B000CA760UDescription: http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=dwarkaparichay-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1606922343

Write. Start with pre-writing - handwork to develop fine motor control, such as drawing, arts and crafts, cutting, threading, and making things. Scribe for your child as he talks, model writing for pleasure and for specific use (making a shopping list, for instance). Let him help you write.
Description: http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=dwarkaparichay-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B000CA760U

Giving sincere and open appreciation: Research has shown that children are the most vulnerable set of people on this planet earth. They tend to live more on the immediate and this ultimately become s a great determining factor in their future life. If you must flatter them, make sure it look so real that even you may get to the point of doubting the fact that it is all flattery.

Leverage on other peoples' mistakes: In as much as it is not good trying to take advantage of other peoples' situation, we need to let our children know what led to particular predicament of some people in our neighbourhood. For example, telling them that this person is suffering today because, he/she failed to do "this or that" in the past.
You can also get your children motivated by making them see the future for themselves, make them envisage what the future will look like.

आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,

आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
सुबह सुबह जल्दी उठ जाने को दिल करता है,
स्कूल ड्रेस पहन कर टाई लगाने को दिल
करता है,
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
आज फिर लाइन में लगकर प्रार्थना करने
को दिल करता है,
एक दुसरे को धक्का दे आगे बढने को दिल
करता है,
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
क्लास के खाली घंटे में कागज के हवाई जहाज
उड़ाने को दिल करता है,
लंच टाइम में एक दुसरे का टिफिन खाने को दिल
करता है,
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
क्लास में मेम के प्रश्नों पर चुपचाप खड़े रहने
को दिल करता है,
होम वर्क ना करने और ढेर सारे बहाने बनाने
को दिल करता है,
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
सोशल साइंस में सोने को दिल करता है,
छुट्टी के इन्तजार में बेल बजने का दिल करता है,
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
उन दोस्तों के साथ बैठ कर बात करने और लड़ने
को दिल करता है,
सब कुछ भूल कर मस्त होने का दिल करता है
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,
आज फिर स्कूल जाने को दिल करता है,


१.पापा कहते है "बेटा पढाई करके कुछ बनो" तो बुरा लगता है, पर यही बात जब गर्लफ्रेंड कहती है तो लगता है केयर करती है |
२. गर्लफ्रेंड के लिए माँ-बाप से झूठ बोलते है, पर माँ-बाप के लिए गर्लफ्रेंड से क्यूँ नहीं ?
३. गर्लफ्रेंड से शादी के लिए माँ-पापा को छोड़ देते है, पर माँ-पापा के लिए गर्लफ्रेंड को क्यूँ नहीं ?
4. गर्लफ्रेंड से रोज रात में मोबाईल से पूछते है खाना खाया की नहीं या कितनी रोटी खाई, पर क्या आज तक ये बात माँ-पापा से पूछी ?
5.गर्लफ्रेंड की एक कसम से सिगरेट छूट जाती है, पर पापा के बार-बार कहने से क्यूँ नहीं ?
कृपया अपने माँ-बाप की हर बात माने और उनकी केयर करे...और करते हो तो आपके माँ-बाप आपके लिए कुछ भी गर्व से करने को तैय्यार है |
और ये सबको बताये और समझाए, क्या पता आपकी बात उसके समझ में आ जाये...?
अपने को माहोल ही ऐसा बनाना है की हर  बच्चा अपने माता-पिता को ही भगवान समझे |

च्चा अपने माता-पिता को ही भगवान समझे |

संबध कभी एक जैसे होते नही, क्योकिँ वह बिजनेस नही.

(1) संबध कभी एक जैसे होते नही, क्योकिँ वह बिजनेस नही.

(2) आप कभी भी बीमार होते हो तब आपके खुद का शरीर भी आपका साथ नही देता तो,
दुसरो से क्युँ आशा रखनी.

(3) सफलता रीलेटिव है,
जब आपको मिलती है तब आपके बहुत सारे रीलेटिव पैदा होते है.

(4) बदलते इन्सान और बदलते मौसम का कभी विश्वास मत करो.

(5) भावनाए मरती नही.
क्योकिँ जगत इसी के ऊपर चलता है.
लेकिन भावनाओ के बिना का जीवन यानि जीवित मोत.

(6) प्रेम का कोई अन्त होता नही.

(7) अगर आप किसी को प्रेम करते हो तो
दुसरे किसी की जरुरत नही,

लेकिन आपके जीवन मेँ प्रेम ना हो तो जो भी आप के पास है वो सब कुछ बेकार है.

(8) उम्र आपको प्रेम करने से रोकती नही लेकिन प्रेम आपको उम्रलायक होने से रोकती है.

(9) जीवन इस तरह ना जीओ कि
भगवान को भी आपको इन्सान का रुप देकर अफसोस हो.

(10) प्रेम का पात्र ढुंढो मत,
प्रेम का पात्र बनो...