Monday, March 31, 2014


Subject : Application under the RTI Act, 2005

RTI Act Request Description : The work of re-construction of main Road joining Kapurthala Road to Main Raj Nagar & Madhuban Colony upto Cannal (Near Sheed Babu Labh Singh) is going on from the several months. Please arrange to supply the following information in respect of the said construction work :
1. Tender No and date by which the above construction work of Road have been allotted along with details of Nature of Job / work to be done. Please supply the copy of TENDER ORDER AND WORK ORDER containing all Rules, Regulation and details of work / tender.
2. What is the cost of this work.
3. Upto which Area the road is to be constructed i.e. total length of the Road to be constructed. Please specify the Area where road is to be built.
4. Please intimate the process/flow chart of the Road construction work /job i.e how much digging is required, how much concrete / stones to be used, how much mud / sand to be used. What is the approved method / process / procedure for re-construction of road.
5. Please intimate the Name and Address of the Firm / contractor to whom the tender have been allotted. What were the reasons / circumstances for allotting the work to this very firm / contractor
6. When the work of re-construction of ibid road was to commence and when did it actually started.
7. Whether there was any delay is commencement of road construction, if so what were the reasons for delay. Whether any penalty is to be charged for delay.
8. When the work is to be completed as per tender / order? When it would be actually completed? Whether there is any delay? If so what are the reasons for delay is completion of work.
9. Whether the firm / contractor have to do the work himself or he can further allot / sanction the work to some another firm / sub-contractor? What are the departmental instructions in this regard.
10. Whether construction of ibid road was done by the firm / contractor itself or someone else have done construction on their behalf?
11. Whether the firm/contractor have skilled workers / engineers? If so how many? What are the qualifications of skilled worker / engineers.
12. Whether skilled workers / engineers are being used by the firm / contractor in the construction of ibid road. What are the deptt instructions in the matter.
13. Whether any deptt officer have visited the site to check / monitor if contractor is using skilled worker/engineer? Whether any unskilled workers were identified by any officer? What is the gist of report / observations of the visiting staff.
14. As per Govt instructions what are the parameter of the road construction work. How the quantity, quality and strength of the material used is to be checked? Whether such checking was done by thedepartmental officers. If so please specify the dates when checking was done and results of checking.
15. Whether any departmental officer visited the site to see the progress / monitor of work going on. If so dates when the visits were made? Whether any irregularity was noticed by the visiting staff. What are the remarks/observation s of the visiting staff.
16. The contractor / firm had demolish majority of Foot Steps of Shops / Houses. Whether he was authorized to demolish the footsteps? Whether demolished foot steps will be re-constructed by the firm / contractor? If No, then who will construct the same and bear the cost of construction. Can any action be taken against contractor for such act committed by him.
17. How much layer of brick/stone is to be used by the contractor while construction of the ibid road as per departmental guidelines. Whether the contractor have used the same specification.
18. Please intimate dates wise progress of construction work done by the contractor i.e. date when he actually start demolishing of already existed road and date when this task was completed, date when he started putting stones and when it was completed, date when sand/mud was started using and when completed etc etc…
19. Whether any alternative path/way was to be provided by the contractor while the work of digging and laying of stone was in progress? What arrangements were to be managed by the contractor as perdepartmental guideline/instructi ons. Where contractor actually provided the same.
20. How much quantity of mud / sand is to be used on the bricks / stones. What type/quality of sand/mud is to be used as per instructions / guideline. Whether the contractor have used the same specification. Please intimate dates wise progress of construction work done by the contractor
21. More than two months have passed but after laying/putting bricks / stones no further action in the matter have been taken by the contractor. The brick are damaging the tyres of vehicles and further causing inconvience to the Public. Whether after laying of brick/stones road roller is to be used? If so how much road roller is required to be used? Whether the contractor have actually used the road roller while laying layer of stones/bricks? If so how much did he used? Who have ascertained its actual usage?
22. What are the parameter to calculate/to know about the usage of Road-Roller?
23. Whether any complaint have been received pointing any irregularity or in- conveyance caused to the locality persons where work of construction is going on. If so, what action have been taken on the complaint.
24. I wish to draw the sample in the presence of representative of your office in respect of material used in the construction of work specially when mixture of concrete and tarcol (Look) is to be used by the contractor and want to analysis the samples from the Laboratory. It is requested to intimate me the date when I could draw the sample. Further I also wish to draw samples of sand/mud used in the construction of the ibid road.
25. What composition/ mixture of concrete and tarcol(Look) have been approved by the Department or any statutory body while construction of the Road? How the composition/ mixture is ascertained by the department? Whether sample is drawn and sent for analysis? Please intimate the name and address of the laboratory who analysis such samples.
26. How is the level of the road is ascertained? What are the departmental instruction on the matter. Whether ibid road is in proper level? How this fact i.e. level of road have been ascertained / calculated / measured.
If you feel that above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of Section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005. As I expect to appeal any denial, please specify the Appellant Authority's Office and address to which an appeal should be sent.Thanks you in Advance for your attention to this matter.

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