Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Did you know that kissing activity has many health benefits?

13 Feb(kissing day) It is said that first kiss is always remembered as kissing is an activity in which most individual enjoy, imagine kissing your way for the better health. Kissing is passion and romance and what keeps people together. Stress relief is another health benefit of kissing. It stops the buzz in your mind, it quells anxiety, and it heightens the experience of being present in the moment.
Aside from expressing emotions and love, did you know that kissing activity has many health benefits?
When people kiss each other, they release their stress levels making them feel more comfort and peace of mind. It has mental and oral health benefits. Below is the best information of what kissing can do to improve your health.
Burn Calories
Kissing burns calories, which translates to weight loss. A 20-minute make-out session on your couch burns 40 calories, and it is way more fun than hitting the treadmill.
Aerobic for Heart
Kissing is an adrenaline producing activity. Adrenaline causes the heart to get pumping and increase blood circulation. The effects kissing has on your heart is essentially very similar to getting your heart going by aerobic exercise like running or bicycling.
Increase Immune
Kissing boosts your immunity. All that swapping spit exchanges germs, too, which forces your body to produce antibodies to prevent you from getting sick. It works like getting a vaccination, so keep the kisses coming in order to keep you healthy.
Look Young Forever
Kissing is a workout for your face. Kissing requires use of thirty different facial muscles. A kissing session will tone your face and keep the blood circulating. Good circulation in your face is one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to stay young-looking and eliminate the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Work as Antibiotics
During a kissing activity, exchange of saliva can create a natural anti-biotic which helps prevents stomach pains and bladder infections.
Stress Buster
Kissing has been known to reduce anxiety and stop any feelings of being overwhelmed. Kissing increases oxytocin. Oxytocin is a calming hormone which promotes the feeling of tranquility. If it has been a long day or you have something on your mind, grab your significant other and calm down.

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