Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sample letter to editor of newspaper complaining noise pollution

The Editor
The Hindu
Date: 26th February 2015
Dear Sir,
Sub: Complaining about noise pollution
On behalf of the people of Anna Nagar, I would like to bring to light, the nuisance caused by jarring sounds. I request that the letter may be published in your daily for finding remedial action at the earliest.
Noise Pollution - a threat
I wish to draw your attention to the noise pollution experienced by the people of our locality. The people are often irritated by the jarring loudspeakers all the time from the different marriage halls and the theatres. The marriage halls are busy not only during the marriage seasons, but also on some other occasions. As all the social, cultural and political meetings are conducted there with the use of loud speakers, the school children, the patients the aged and the public cannot have a sound sleep.
The School children are easily directed by the loud speakers from the nearby theatres. Such loud speakers may affect the general cause of the students immensely. We are very much afraid to note that such noise may affect the hearing capacity of the common mass. Our representation to the concerned authorities in vain. May I draw the attention of the concerned authorities to take necessary steps at once so as to make the students concentrate more on their studies.
The student community would thank the authorities profusely, if necessary steps are taken at the earliest.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
S. Dharanija.

To :

The Editor,
Madhya Bharat,


I wish to use the columns of your popular daily to bring the city’s greatest problem after the Gas Tragedy to the notice of government authorities concerned.

It seems water for public–drinking in Bhopal is not filtered properly and not treated medically and because of this many children and old people are suffering from water-borne diseases. The Bhopal hospitals are filled with such patients. If no urgent step is taken to correct this situation, another holocaust is in the offing.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

Dear Sir,
Sub: Environment – Pollution in (Place Name)
I would like to draw your attention to the dismal state of environment in (Place Name) . Increased vehicular traffic and chimney smoke has made air polluted. Citizens find difficult to breathe. Dumping of hazardous chemicals in river has polluted the drinking and ground water. Encroachments on both the sides of the road have made walking on placements dangerous.
All of us, as concerned citizens, have discussed these problems in various meetings.
We have come up with the following proposals. These I will endeavor to introduce to you along with problem:
The green road is no longer green. All the trees and shrubs have been cut. There is a heavy pall of smoke over it.
We propose restricted vehicular movement.
Use of anti-pollution device be made compulsory on all vehicles.
Planting and nurturing of plants and shrubs.
The River has become a dumping ground of hazards chemicals from the factories. These have killed nearly all the life in the river. It has also polluted our drinking water and ground water.
We propose that Bada Nadi River be declared a protected water body. All the dumping be banned and very heavy fine be imposed on the offenders. To tackle the problem of managing hazardous waste, we propose setting up of a water treatment plant so that only clean water is discharged into the river. Cleaning up of the river and introduction of various fishes and plants in the river will bring it back to life.
Encroachment on the pavements and roads has reduced the area for pedestrians. Hence, they spill over on roads causing accidents.
We propose removal of encroachments and clearing up of roads. For this, the help of the local shopkeepers should be taken.
Lastly, the noise pollution caused by honking of horns and blaring of loudspeakers has caused distress to one and all. Many people have become afflicted to noise related illnesses.
We propose a blanket ban on the use of loudspeakers. Secondly, no horn zones are declared in the residential hospital and school areas.
I would request you to seriously consider our proposals and act accordingly.
Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely

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